Recent Development Updates

What's New
Bainbridge welcomes first tenant: Aquacon announced as first tenant for Phase II. See Cecil Whig article here: Aquacon
For updated site plan information or for interested parties of future tenants, visit MRP Industrial's Bainbridge site.
For detailed site information, view the Bainbridge Site Brochure.
PHASE 1A Updates
Outfall and Waste Water Treatment Plant Updates: Cecil County recently introduced legislation for infrastructure improvements. This includes Bill Number 202414 to investigate and rehabilitate the former discharge outfall that serviced Bainbridge, and Bill Number 202415 to expand the new Wastewater Treatment Plant in Port Deposit to accommodate additional developments in and around the Port Deposit service area. The public hearing for these two items was
scheduled for September 3rd and September 17th, both items passed via county council vote.
Development Concerns
Stormwater Management and Run Off
The topic of sediment and erosion run-off and stormwater management can often be misunderstood in relation to development. There are no requirements for stormwater management or sediment and erosion controls on undeveloped land (vacant, agricultural, raw parcel, etc.). The Bainbridge property as it sat prior to development activities had no controls on site. Once ground disturbance occurs, there are extensive requirements for mitigating run off and stormwater management to ensure there are no significant impacts to neighboring properties. The requirements are implemented site specific to the amount of impervious surface (parking lots, buildings, etc.). Control measures are engineered to ensure the impacts after development are less than or equal to the impacts prior to development. Specifically at Bainbridge, during the construction process, 11 stormwater basins were installed to capture stormwater. Collectively, these basins hold hundreds of thousands of gallons of water, that prior to development, had no capture or control measures. Water levels naturally reduce due to evaporation (especially during droughts) but if water levels get too high, a very slow and controlled released is conducted. Water is filtered to ensure no sediment release and discharged into existing permitted streams.
Public Road Improvements
As has been discussed in recent meetings, the development team (MRP Industrial) has been working with the Town of Port Deposit and Cecil County on the proposed expansion of Diamond Jim Road to allow for an additional park entrance, per regulatory requirements. This proposed extension is the same entrance that was included in the original 2006 site development plan. This is a public infrastructure that will be reviewed and permitted through the Town and County. The project is still in the very early conceptual planning stages and will require extensive studies for traffic impact, sight line, safety, road construction engineering, etc. The BDC will continue to provide updates as information becomes available, however, community concerns should be directed to the Town or County as the regulatory and permitting entities.