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Tapley Stepping Down From BDC Helm



Donna Tapley has stepped down as executive director of the Bainbridge Development Corporation after 13 years.

She recently told the Whig she left the job on July 16 to pursue personal priorities.

Formed by the Maryland General Assembly in 1999, the BDC is charged with finding business, industry and other development for the former U.S. Naval Training Center Bainbridge, which sits east of Port Deposit atop the granite cliff. The BDC has had little success thanks to a lack of infrastructure and the discovery that asbestos remains on the site even after an initial cleanup paid for by the U.S. Navy.

Port Deposit annexed the 1,200-acre site into its borders in 1999, and infrastructure is now being addressed with Cecil County poised to upgrade the septic system while Artesian will take on the water supply.

In an interview via email, Tapley said she feels her greatest accomplishment was bringing all the parties to the table to make sure the environmental issues of the property were understood.

“This has culminated in various agencies of the state, federal and local government as well as congressional offices cooperatively working on developing a portion of the property that meets the regulatory requirements, federal and state limitations and works within the town’s needs,” Tapley said.

Tapley remains confident in the future of the former naval base.

“The BDC and U.S. Navy are jointly working on redeveloping a small portion of the property in a quick turnaround that would result into a commercial economic engine for the community,” she said.

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