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Tome School Tours Kick-Off in April

The BDC has decided to continue to host tours of the National Historic Tome School this spring and summer. Tours are set to begin in April with the first tour date scheduled for April 9th at 11:30 AM. There is no charge for the tour and they are open to any and all individuals. These tours consist of a bus ride around the Tome School campus with various stops for participants to exit the bus and gain a closer look at the granite structures. Photography is allowed but no access to any building or structure is permitted. All participants will be asked to sign a standard liability waiver and policies document, both of which are provided below. The tours are filled on a first come first serve basis, and if/when the bus fills, no more participants would be provided access. In order to keep the tour free of cost, that requires all details to be organized and executed by the BDC, thus the need to limit the amount of individuals who can attend. It is strongly suggested that you wear appropriate clothing for the walking tour of jeans/pants and a t-shirt with sneakers or hiking shoes of some kind. Dresses, skirts, shorts, sandals, heeled shoes or open toes shoes are not recommended. Individuals with inappropriate clothing for the walking tour may be asked to stay on the bus for safety reasons.

Tour Dates for 2016 (all dates will have a start time of 11:30AM, and projected end time of 12:30 PM)

April 9

May 14

June 11

July 23

August 20

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