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Bainbridge Hosts Sustainable Growth Commission


This past Monday, May 11, 2015, the Bainbridge Development Corporation (BDC) was pleased to host the Sustainable Growth Commission (SGC) at the Donaldson Brown Center for their bi-monthly commission meeting. The SGC is an entity of the Maryland Department of Planning that the State developed in 2010 to make recommendations on growth issues within the state of Maryland. The Commission is made up of representatives from State and Local government, private business and non-profit organizations.

The BDC offered to host the May 11th meeting with the intent to educate the Commission members and State agencies, with the priorities of Cecil County, Port Deposit, and Bainbridge, and how those agencies play a vital role.

Members met at the Donaldson Brown Center, another historical and architectural ornament in Cecil County, and we’re first taken on a tour of downtown Port Deposit and then onto the Bainbridge site. Merely reading a fact sheet, or seeing the Bainbridge location on a digital map does not do justice to the property. Commission members were able to see the magnitude of the land, its prime location, and the incredible potential that Bainbridge holds. In addition, Commission members gained a better understanding of the Tome School campus and the magnificence that sits tucked away in a corner of Port Deposit.

Following the tour, the group reconvened back at the Donaldson Brown Center. County Council President Robert Hodge welcomed the Commission and discussed several of the issues the County is facing that affects growth in the County. Port Deposit Mayor Wayne Tome and Town Administrator Vicky Rinkerman touted the inviting attributes Port Deposit has to offer and the investments being made in downtown including the new welcome center and research facility, rebuilding their storm water drainage system, working with the US Army Corp of Engineers on flood mitigation, and an updated streetscape. County Representatives discussed the needs of the county including infrastructure updates and the new proposed WWTP in Port Deposit.

BDC’s Executive Director communicated the value and importance of developing Bainbridge and where each of the State agencies can play a key role in bringing the project to fruition. The Commission members were updated on current issues and the status of discussions with the Navy. But the most important detail, was showcasing how the Bainbridge project fits into every goal and category of the SGC and that if there was a project in Maryland that needs their attention, and aligns with their charter, it is certainly this one. The BDC recognized the uniqueness of having members of so many influential state agencies in one room to discuss the roles they can all play in securing a successful future at Bainbridge that will be an economic engine for the Town, the County and the State. Members of the Department of Transportation, Environment, Planning, Housing and Community Development, Business and Economic Development, and Natural Resources, just to name a few, were actively engaged in the discussion and eager to help the project.

Having discussions like this and one held in April with the Cecil Delegation is exactly the catalyst needed to bring all parties together to work in unison and bring development to Bainbridge.

A tremendous amount of appreciation goes to the SGC for allowing the BDC to host the meeting and help make Bainbridge a state priority.

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